Tuesday, January 29, 2008


RGartland said...

Moe's gonna be on you like white on rice. She doesn't like how comic book women are super-skinny. Your character, however, is very true to life. Rock hard abs? Check. Rippling biceps? Check-a-reeno! Smug grin? Check-a-rooster! (The last one is not sarcastic)

RGartland said...

Oh! And here is a link to a blog of an artist who is really good. Comic book and nerdy stuff (Star Wars, Indy, Lost, etc.), but he's pretty good at keeping it somewhat cartoony and fun. It's fairly similar to your stuff, actually. http://grantgould.blogspot.com/

And this is one I really like as well ( www.pascalcampion.blogspot.com ). He's got a different style, but still cool. Moe got me a poster of his for Christmas.